Oak Bluffs is a bustling seaside town on the Island of Martha's originally known as a farming community in 1660's when it was purchased from the Wampanoag Indian Tribe. It wasn't until the early 1830's that Oak Bluffs started becoming the famous vacation destination that it is still known as today. It started with the Methodists who began holding summer revivalist meetings in a stand of Oaks known as Wesleyan Grove, named for the father of Methodism John Wesley . As the meetings caught on Campers began to build wooden "tents" that still exist in the town's center thus creating what is known as The Martha's Vineyard Camp Meeting Association.
Oak Bluffs is a diverse town that is proud of it's heritage of peace and harmony. Oak Bluffs has been known to be a favorite vacation spot for Presidents such as the Clinton family and the Obama family who have been making this the summer White house for the past two decades but many may not know that President Uylsses S. Grant was very fond of the Island as well. Some of the many places of Oak Bluffs are:
- The Martha's Vineyard Camp Meeting Association The MVCMA is a cluster of over three hundred brightly painted gingerbread cottages. Stroll the streets of this quaint "Cottage City" where you will see the original 1878 Trinity Methodist Church which has welcomed many past (and present) Presidents.
- East Chop is one of the two points that jut out into Nantucket Sound (West Chop being the other). The famous East Chop Lighthouse was built in 1876 this 40 foot structure sits on top of a 79 foot bluffs with spectacular views of Nantucket Sound.
- Ocean Park - our name sake is the historic semi circle park facing the Ocean with a Gazebo in the center. On Sunday summer nights you can sit on the grassy park with friends and family to listen to the band concert. This is also home of the world's best fireworks that take place on the park every summer at the end of August.
- Inkwell beach where generations go to socialize and meet old and new friends.
- Flying Horses which is Oldest Carousel in the country.
- Oak Bluffs Harbor which has been welcoming boaters and Day trippers for over a century.
- State Beach which is over seven miles of uninterrupted beautiful sandy beaches that are FREE to our Residents and Guests.
- East Chop Lighthouse, The Ocean Park Gazebo, as well as the Veteran's Memorial statue are all proud symbols of our quaint town.